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Homework is considered a very important feature of the education offered by the school, and you are advised that as your child progresses throughout the school, they will be required to complete more homework. The time allocated will vary according to age.

The School Library supports many of the subjects in the curriculum. In addition, we make use of educational television programmes and DVDs. Journeys to places of interest, both historical and general, are arranged for all classes.

The school offers a morning care and after school care scheme to assist working parents. The school opens at 7.30am and closes at 6.00pm for this purpose.

For more information, please call 020 8300 7206.

"We are absolutely certain and well aware that Riverston would go a thousand of extra miles for our son, as you and your colleagues have always done with so much perseverance and dedication : Dario would have not been able to get any GCSE without you, and this is a fact for which we will be always deeply grateful,."
Year 12 parent