
After school activities and clubs for all

There are many after school activities for your children to take part in during their time in the Junior School section. We aim to provide a broad range to further develop and deepen the children’s interests and skills. After school clubs run until 4:30pm each evening and regularly include arts and crafts, drama, sewing, jewellery making, cookery, dancing, sports and music. Something for everyone!

We also try out different ideas each term and are very open to suggestions if you have any. The school clubs are run by existing staff or other specialist providers from outside the school.

In addition to after school activities and clubs, we operate a Breakfast Club from 7:30-8:30am and an After School Care Session, which includes a tea time snack, until 6pm to make life easier for you if you have other commitments.

Here at Benedict House, we offer a variety of after-school clubs that parents are welcome to sign their children up for. All of our clubs are run by class teachers or outside providers and cover a range of topics within the main areas of sports, creativity or academia. We tend to change clubs on a termly basis and often take suggestions from the children regarding what they would like to see on offer. Past clubs that have been popular and will likely feature again include: football, Scratch coding, crafts, dodgeball, choir, drawing, brain-boosters, mindfulness, dance (variety of disciplines), running, story-time, reading, Mandarin, netball, puzzles, radio, cooking, gardening and film club.  

At the end of each term, we offer a week of Holiday Clubs to all of our children. Examples of days we have run in the past include pantomime, trips to the seaside, tobogganing, cinema, the zoo, Godstone farm, ice-skating, big cat sanctuary, bowling, Swanley Park, pizza parties, chocolate making and Airjump.

Music and Drama

At Benedict House, we understand the importance of learning musical skills but also having the time and confidence to be creative with those skills.

Every child has class music lessons with a specialist music teacher.  The basis of music lessons is singing in a variety of styles which are often linked to class topics.  For younger pupils such songs often include actions and untuned percussion instruments.  As part of the curriculum Year 2 learn to play the recorder, Year 3 learn to play stringed instruments and Years 3 to 6 play Glockenspiels.

Peripatetic specialist staff teach a variety of instruments including the piano, brass, wind, strings including guitar, percussion, as well as providing singing lessons. These are individual lessons. There are many opportunities for performance for both elementary players and children who are more experienced.

Many children attend LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art) drama lessons and achieve excellent results in examinations. The school offer students the opportunity to take LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art examinations in Acting and Verse and Prose) taught by Mrs Lucy Moffat who is an experienced LAMDA teacher and Examiner. Pupils attend weekly Speech and Drama classes where they work on performance and public speaking skills. There is the opportunity of regular performances and presentations at school, as well as local Drama Festivals such as The Bromley(Kent) Festival of Music and Speech where Benedict House pupils are current Trophy Winners in the Key Stage 1 and 2 sections and The ISA Schools Shakespeare competition, where Benedict House pupils have also been awarded recognition.

Opportunities to combine music, drama and dance are wide-ranging at Benedict House.  Parents are invited to class assemblies, small recitals and larger scale concerts and performances, including a lower school Nativity Play, a musical production in the spring term from Year 3 and 4, and an annual Year 5 and 6 production in the prestigious Rose Bruford Theatre.