Community Spirit
Community Spirit
The school operates an open-door policy, where you are welcome to discuss your child’s progress with class teachers or the headteacher at any time. Formal introductory Class Meetings are held at the start of each year; with scheduled Parents’ Evenings held during the year, as well as written end of year reports.
Happy, resilient and confident children make the best learners. We strive for each situation to be a life-long learning experience for our children. Fundamental British Values are embedded into every aspect of school life. This encourages a sense of belonging, respect and citizenship for all who are involved in what we do here at Benedict House Preparatory School.
We seek to be a school where learning is at the centre; we seek to be a vibrant, caring school, providing an education rooted in the needs of each individual with a dynamic ethos; we seek to be affordable and supportive to parents and a haven for our pupils, enabling all who attend here to achieve their full potential and so equipping them to navigate the next stage in their adolescence.